
Axel Sweet Gold Kimblehook

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Expert opinion : The Axel double jointed Bit is a sweet gold bit, making it an extremely comfortable bit. The mouthpiece naturally follows the shape of the tongue while relieving the bars of constant pressure.  It is very interesting for sensitive horses that cut themselves easily in the mouth. In addition, its light and straight design promotes more precise and direct communication with the reins. 

The Kimblehook can be described as a fixed ring with the possibility to add leverage when you need it. The further down you place your rein; the more pressure will be added and divided between chin, poll, and mouth. The stable feeling Kimblehook creates can be good for fuzzy and worried horses that gets strong, unbalanced and hard to turn. The Kimblehook puts the pressure further down in the mouth which can help a horse that gets too high in the neck. Kimblehooks are always used together with a chain or strap behind the chin.


Size Barrel thickness Rings size
115 mm 16 mm 80 mm
125 mm 16 mm 80 mm
135 mm 16 mm 80 mm
145 mm 16 mm 80 mm


Sweet Gold: Sweet Gold alloy contains copper, making it softer. It has a pleasant taste for the horse, encouraging salivation and relaxation.

Brand Fager Reference AXEL

Technical sheet

Rings size 80mm
Mouthpiece type plein
Thickness 16mm
Weight 300g
Side pieces Kimblehook
Material Copper
Mouthpiece Double brisure, Anatomique