
Loose Ring straight Portsmouth

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Expert opinion : The Limo bits two-ring straight resin bit is recommended for sensitive mouths. It offers a constant and symmetrical contact. It favours contact with the bit and is more suitable for horses that have difficulty in tensing up with articulated bits. The straight barrel exerts direct pressure on the tongue and bars, while freeing the palate. The fact that it is straight ensures a symmetrical left/right contact of the hand to the mouth and eliminates any risk of pinching the tongue. All these elements will allow the horse to gain confidence in his mouthpiece, to come to rest and to tense up, it is an ideal bit for a young horse. The soft barrel version is red, the more medium version is green. The rigid resin prevents your horse from leaning too much on the bit and makes it easier for him to make contact. The soft resin encourages the horse to stretch. A light contact of the horse on the bit will contribute to improve the locomotion of the horse through the engagement of the hindquarters. The free rings offer a soft contact without leverage and allow easy play in the fingers to relax the horse's forehand.

Resin : Resin offers a softer contact that encourages relaxation. Resin bits remain at room temperature. Limo bits are made of a specific plastic elastomer reinforced with a stainless steel cable which ensures a very high resistance.

Caution : This material is vulnerable and is not guaranteed by the manufacturer against wear and tear due to biting. We strongly advise against using a bit that is too damaged, as this could injure the horse's bars, tongue and palate. 

Brand Limo Bits Reference LIMOLOPORT

Technical sheet

Rings size 60mm
Mouthpiece type Soft, Hard
Thickness 17mm
Weight 230g
Side pieces Loose ring
Material Plastic
Mouthpiece Droit, Passage de langue